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Sur le fil des ressources / Hervé Delamare 2013



Hervé Delamare, artiste plasticien



la fabrique de pauvres / Lourdes Picareta 2012



Lourdes Picareta écrivain & réalisatrice portugaise.



sur le chemin de l'école...

chemin de l école 01  beawiharta in jakarta of students who risk life crossing a collpased bridge to get to school;.jpg


in jakarta of students who risk life crossing a collpased bridge to get to school

chemin de l école 02 roberto schmidt in afghanistan, where acid attacks and poisoning of water by the taliban is on the increase at schools for girls.jpg

Roberto Schmidt

in afghanistan, where acid attacks and poisoning of water by the taliban

is on the increase at schools for girls

chemin de l'école 03 altaf gadri of an unofficial school run for slum dwellers held under a bridge in new delhi;.jpg

Altaf Gadri

an unofficial school run for slum dwellers held under a bridge in New Delhi



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